
Sai Samarth +2 Science Higher Secondary School offers two-year full time +2 Science course as per the norms of Department of Higher Education, Odisha described below.

Compulsory subjects : English, MIL (Oriya), Yoga Optional subjects : Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology Additional noncredit courses : Career Counseling, Computational Science

Council examination The first requirement of a student continuing +2 Science is to do well in the Council Examination. Therefore the number of theory classes allotted is more than the double of the classes allotted in other Higher Secondary Schools. Higher Secondary School also conducts doubt clearing classes and tutorial classes for the benefit of the students. Regular Examination based on council pattern is held, properly evaluated, discussed in the class by the respective faculty members and papers shown to the students. Progress reports are regularly sent to the parents/guardians.

Entrance Examination The present day competition necessitates the simultaneous preparation of council examination as well as entrance examination. For this purpose, the Higher Secondary School conducts regular entrance classes along with doubt clearing classes and tutorial classes where special tips to solve complex problems in less time are provided to the students. Regular tests based on entrance pattern are conducted, papers are properly evaluated and doubts are clarified. Progress reports are regularly sent to the parents/guardians.

Study Materials The Higher Secondary School provides well-planned and published study materials in book form to the students. These study materials are prepared by a team of experienced faculty members under the guidance of the Principal and Course-Coordinator. The study materials are very useful as the concepts are narrated in a lucid way, varieties of problems are solved, and problems for practice are also given.

Residential system Present day residential system is just a replication of the ancient Gurukul system. The Higher Secondary School is trying to revive this glorious tradition. Young people are susceptible to became friend-centered. Acceptance and belonging to a peer group can become almost supremely important. In this system, the students cultivate the habits of making friends, adjust themselves with others, develop an independent thinking and do their own work.

Holidays Too many holidays and vacations ensure that a student’s capacities stay dormant, that talents remain undeveloped, and that the mind and spirit become lethargic. To bring forth their latent qualities and make them more active and participative in the teaching-learning process, the Higher Secondary School provides the least number of holidays.

Career evaluation The student’s projected progress is prepared by the marks, he/she secures in the examination. This is done through computer-programmed software.

Parents – Teacher Meeting To get the proper feedback, the Higher Secondary School conducts regular Parent-Teacher meeting. Various difficulties faced by the students are discussed and a mutual understanding on the course of action to be followed for the betterment of the students is reached.

Personal file Higher Secondary School maintains personal file of each student and record his or her progress in each examination. This facilitates proper assessment of their progress.

Guidance To provide proper guidance to the students in the hostel, two faculty members are present in the hostel for 24 hours. They supervise the students and help them in clarifying their doubts.

Conducting competitions The Higher Secondary School regularly conducts Debate, Quiz and Essay competitions to enhance the creative, imaginative and communicative powers of the students.